I.Field work in Southeast Greenland
Aug. 2018, with Access Arctic SARL.
In summer, there is less sea ice. With more open water, this is the best time to survey ocean bathymetry in front of glaciers and inside glaciers’ fjords. At the similar period, NASA OMG flight mission could drop ocean probes next to the Greenland coast.
Survey details
A complimentary survey was conducted in August 2018 onboard the S/Y Ivilia operated by Arctic Access using Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR) SeaBeam 1050 multibeam echo sounders. Calibrations of sound speed in water for the multibeam echo sounders were performed using CTD data collected at regular intervals. An AML Oceanographic Minos X CTD was used under thick brash/sea ice conditions. In ice-free ocean waters, a Valeport Rapid CTD was deployed. The Caris HIPS software was used to process the MBES data. The data are provided in 25- and 50-m gridded format. (An et al., 2019)
Figure 1 from "Bathymetry of Southeast Greenland From Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG) Data" (An et al., GRL, 2019)